Friday, 20 November 2009

Very hard to start

I've been meaning to journal my life for some time. However its very hard to do , since what can an eigtheen year old say about her life. Its not like I can say 'oh , I lived a long life'. Well in a sense I can say 'yeah but not in a physical kind of way'.

You can say my spirit has lived a long life. In this life I remember fragments of my past lives , however my spirit does not travel alone. I travel with my dearest .. my soul mate. The only trouble is my soul mate and I are cross starred lovers. Forever , in love but never together in open. In my younger teens this revelation was soul crushing. I wondered what would be my life like? unable to marry since I loved no other than him. Not wanting to have children since my attentions are always to him.

If people happen to come across my my story , all can say is take it as it is and remember to understand you have to keep an open mind.

OK , let start .. I live in the 21st century , I remember when I was in school and they announced that the 20th century had finished I remember thinking . I'm last of the generation of the nineties , my childhood is filled with lots of gaps where I only remember bits and pieces and even like that I can't always be sure if my memory is truly what I remember.

But, one thing is for sure I have the memory when I met again my soulmate in this life.

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