Saturday, 21 November 2009

From the start

Before I get into details , where I met him. Let me say; where this current body started off , I was born in the 2nd october 1991 in a little hospital in south east of london. I was born to a lone parent at the time , my mother gave birth to me on wednesday morning with my aunty there and my great-grandmother. My biological father came only after in a drunken stupor and been forced by aunty to come with a make shift gift of babies clothes for me.

My mothers who sheepishly , acknowledged my biological father presense there as he stumbled in to see me. This pattern of my mother being unable to stand her ground would continue through my life.I grew up in a two room apartment in a flat with my mother alone , my biological father was there for the first six years of my life but abused me in his drunken states till one day my mother took what ever fighting spirit she had and told him to go.

In the two years with just my mother and I , my dear mother felt the need to buy my happiness with gifts and sweets as she felt that how you show love. Till the point I had never learnt the value of a gift.

Aged seven my mother and I went to a Christmas party hosted by my biological father's sister. That's where I met him again , my memory recalls how I only saw him as a golden figure with long blonde hair. Thats when I first saw him , I could only feel love for him.

Strange isn't it a child of seven to already have fallen in love with a man in his twenties. I guess in my life there was never a black and white situation just many shades of grey.

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