Saturday, 9 January 2010

He was alive

A winged man, crouched on the floor. With his long jet black hair covering his face. He had the most beautiful wings but sadly I saw how the ends of the wings were burnt. I wondered how a man could have wings, I had saw other creatures with wings that flew at great heights.
But, a man?

My train of thought was stopped, when I heard him breathing in and out hard, I felt like he was in pain trying to calm his pain with each breathe he took. Then without warning he fainted he was slumped over in the floor. I slowly went over to see if, he was ok kneeling beside him stroking his wings. I was sadden to see the damage that there was to his wings.

Thinking back now, was it fate or coincidence that him and I would be linked together through soul and flesh. I spend two days watching over him and nursing him. I gave him water to drink but to my amazement all his injuries were at such a rate. By day two he looked as through no harm has touched him. By the third, I returned to the cave to see how he was , he still lay asleep on the ground. I went over to him , I sat beside him thinking if he was ever to wake from his sleep. Suddenly , I heard him moan gently, I remember putting my head over his.

I was staring at his face , then without warning he opened up his eyes and let out a great shriek. This made me sit back , the sound was deafening I thought my ear drum would explode. Then the shrieking stopped , a great relief washed over. That one, the sound had stopped and two, he had shown signs he was alive. I was about to stand up again , when he leaped up so high in the air , I thought he would touch the ceiling.

Friday, 4 December 2009

the day he fell

We talked through touch and feeling , sounds usually happened through pain and pleasure. Even now remembering the memory. I go by feeling of the memory. I could of carried on with my life in a state of ignorant bliss. However my life changed the day he 'fell'

My day started off like any other day. The sky was beautiful , the flowers had started to pollinate , the first species of bee were already going to the flowers. I was walking to the valley of stone , when the sky started to get darker as through clouds were squeezed together. I looked up in amazement , I had never seen such a sight. Then the clouds suddenly opened up a fire ball shot out at full speed. I saw how the fireball , shot into the cave. I broke into a run , where I arrived to the entrance of the cave. I was unsure whether to enter or just go home.

But I felt if I were to go home I would regret it for the rest of my life. I entered in cautiously , then I realized I had stepped on a soft object. I looked down and saw what it was. Now , obviously knowing it was a feather. Then I saw there were many of them making a trail , I followed the trail filled with excitement. The trail stopped .. what I saw before me I would never forget.

Saturday, 28 November 2009

First memories

I will start from the beginning the very beginning now. My first memory that I have is being in a valley , where the sky was white and grass was crisp green. I walked with my people , the tall people they posses ed white gold skin. I was among my people but never constantly there. I spend my time in the fields feeling the long grass between my fingers , walking in the fields with the sun shining on my face.

I had long red hair that reached almost my hips. The place that I loved to go was the valley of the stone , where there was a stone cliff where a cave sat on top. I would go each evening , with the treasures of nature I had collected.

Humanities start had been blessed with ignorance , since we like babies. To start with a clean slate , that was humanities start. There were animals there that existed that are here today. Beautiful creatures that roamed the fields.

My people worshipped the clouds , the sun , the trees and appreciated the life of animals when killed for food.

Monday, 23 November 2009

piecing together memories

From that moment on he was there for me , showing me how to live correcting my mistakes. There's lots of holes in my childhood that I don't remember , it was only years later as a teenager I found some of my memory was erased since I had memories of being abused. It was goddrick who erased those ugly memories , he wanted me to start from a clean slate. Also in that clean slate I had forgotten any memories I had of a past life.

When I reached eleven years old , he revealed to me I had abilities of being able to do things that other people couldn't do. Like being able to see aura's and moves things with my mind , upon hear this discovery I romanticized with notion of being a medium and being special. I guess being eleven didn't help since my manner of thinking wasn't the most normal at the time. I spent the next three years of my life trying to find out what this discovery meant for my life and what exactly did it make me.

In those three years I started high school which was an all girls high school , I wasn't a person that was endeared with social skills therefore I messed up quite alot socially in high school. I remember I had started practicing meditation , this where I had started remembering my past lives and there I would be shocked with how far I could piece together my past life memories.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

I've been waiting for you for a long time

In the Christmas party , I was inseparable from him . I climbed on to his lap started talking to him , he looked at me surprised if looking 'with what's going here?', I was with him the whole time. Sitting on his lap , playing with his long blonde hair .

He looked down at me and said 'well little one what's your name ?'

I replied 'Eveline , what's yours?'

He said 'My name is goddrick'

I giggled when hearing the name , sadly the party ended.

However , forces were there to pull him towards my mother. To be honest everyone that knew him were surprised with his decision to make a relationship with my mother. It was my mother's change of character through a telephone conversation that made the person I love stay in my life. From what I heard that my mother phoned him and conversation went like this

'Well are you staying yes or no?'

My mothers bluntness surprised him and he said yes , so after that conversation he moved in. I ran up to him as soon as I saw him coming through the door and told him

'I've been waiting for you for a long time'

Saturday, 21 November 2009

From the start

Before I get into details , where I met him. Let me say; where this current body started off , I was born in the 2nd october 1991 in a little hospital in south east of london. I was born to a lone parent at the time , my mother gave birth to me on wednesday morning with my aunty there and my great-grandmother. My biological father came only after in a drunken stupor and been forced by aunty to come with a make shift gift of babies clothes for me.

My mothers who sheepishly , acknowledged my biological father presense there as he stumbled in to see me. This pattern of my mother being unable to stand her ground would continue through my life.I grew up in a two room apartment in a flat with my mother alone , my biological father was there for the first six years of my life but abused me in his drunken states till one day my mother took what ever fighting spirit she had and told him to go.

In the two years with just my mother and I , my dear mother felt the need to buy my happiness with gifts and sweets as she felt that how you show love. Till the point I had never learnt the value of a gift.

Aged seven my mother and I went to a Christmas party hosted by my biological father's sister. That's where I met him again , my memory recalls how I only saw him as a golden figure with long blonde hair. Thats when I first saw him , I could only feel love for him.

Strange isn't it a child of seven to already have fallen in love with a man in his twenties. I guess in my life there was never a black and white situation just many shades of grey.

Friday, 20 November 2009

Very hard to start

I've been meaning to journal my life for some time. However its very hard to do , since what can an eigtheen year old say about her life. Its not like I can say 'oh , I lived a long life'. Well in a sense I can say 'yeah but not in a physical kind of way'.

You can say my spirit has lived a long life. In this life I remember fragments of my past lives , however my spirit does not travel alone. I travel with my dearest .. my soul mate. The only trouble is my soul mate and I are cross starred lovers. Forever , in love but never together in open. In my younger teens this revelation was soul crushing. I wondered what would be my life like? unable to marry since I loved no other than him. Not wanting to have children since my attentions are always to him.

If people happen to come across my my story , all can say is take it as it is and remember to understand you have to keep an open mind.

OK , let start .. I live in the 21st century , I remember when I was in school and they announced that the 20th century had finished I remember thinking . I'm last of the generation of the nineties , my childhood is filled with lots of gaps where I only remember bits and pieces and even like that I can't always be sure if my memory is truly what I remember.

But, one thing is for sure I have the memory when I met again my soulmate in this life.