Friday, 4 December 2009

the day he fell

We talked through touch and feeling , sounds usually happened through pain and pleasure. Even now remembering the memory. I go by feeling of the memory. I could of carried on with my life in a state of ignorant bliss. However my life changed the day he 'fell'

My day started off like any other day. The sky was beautiful , the flowers had started to pollinate , the first species of bee were already going to the flowers. I was walking to the valley of stone , when the sky started to get darker as through clouds were squeezed together. I looked up in amazement , I had never seen such a sight. Then the clouds suddenly opened up a fire ball shot out at full speed. I saw how the fireball , shot into the cave. I broke into a run , where I arrived to the entrance of the cave. I was unsure whether to enter or just go home.

But I felt if I were to go home I would regret it for the rest of my life. I entered in cautiously , then I realized I had stepped on a soft object. I looked down and saw what it was. Now , obviously knowing it was a feather. Then I saw there were many of them making a trail , I followed the trail filled with excitement. The trail stopped .. what I saw before me I would never forget.